Biomethane Trading | Services
Look no further than Landwärme when it comes to biomethane. The Landwärme group has been growing in experience and expertise ever since it was founded in 2007. We are a pioneer in the European biomethane market as a biomethane supplier and service provider – and are experts in the field. The Landwärme group is a privately held corporation with operations spanning continental Europe and is one of Europe’s leading biomethane traders.
The Landwärme group offers a wide range of services for biomethane producers, sellers, and users. By setting up Landwärme CE in Budapest, Hungary, in 2018, the group has been able to apply its comprehensive knowledge of the European biomethane market to strengthen the industry in the Central and Eastern European region. We can draw on our many years of experience in biomethane trading to connect the Western and Eastern European markets for a greener future.
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Munich, Berlin, Dortmund & Budapest
Trading Portfolio
Biomethane Pre-Suppliers
Active in 10+ Member States
Biomethane: the Smarter Natural Gas
A strong all-rounder, biomethane is the environmentally friendly alternative to fossil-based natural gas. By contrast, biomethane is a renewable gas that can be produced from biowaste and energy crops. It is practically carbon-neutral, keeps natural cycles stable and generates (added) value and jobs in rural areas.
Biomethane can be used to produce renewable electricity and heat as well as a fuel or green gas for private households. Chemically, there is no difference between biomethane and natural gas, meaning it can be transported efficiently via the natural gas grid.
Biomethane for Europe
In Europe, more than 880 plants feed biomethane into the grid – and many more are being developed as we speak. The European biomethane market has great potential; the demand for green gas products is huge. Central and Eastern Europe in particular can benefit from the increasing interest in renewable gas. The future of biomethane production is very promising – with vast agricultural space and unused waste and residue capacities.
We are experts in the European biomethane market – and you can benefit from our comprehensive knowledge. You can rely on us when it comes to trading your biomethane throughout Europe. Find out more here.
Biomethane for Europe
We are your partner in the european biomethane market
Benefit from our extensive services and join our comprehensive network of suppliers and customers all over Europe. Whether you are looking to optimize your biomethane project or trade the green gas – you can put your trust in Landwärme CE when it comes to biomethane.
Landwärme CE deals with biomethane in all quantities and qualities, for all kinds of applications – your ideal partner for marketing biomethane throughout Europe.
Planning to produce biomethane?
Make the most of your biomethane project and make it international – you can rely on us when it comes to trading the green gas across borders. Become one of our suppliers and benefit from synergy effects.
Our services:
- We purchase your biomethane, in various qualities, directly from the plant and bundle it in our portfolio.
- We analyze the best ways of utilizing your gas
- We act as your partner when trading the green gas throughout Europe
looking for a biomethane supplier?
Upgrade your energy portfolio by including eco-friendly biomethane. Landwärme CE delivers all qualities and quantities of certified biomethane: whether as a biogas product in urban heating applications or for use in industrial CHP systems. Biomethane is also an attractive fuel option or can generate additional revenue in the form of certificates.
We can provide the right gas product according to your requirements.
Whatever your plan may be, we will make sure you get the biomethane you need.
We offer:
- certified biomethane supply
- certificates

Alexandra Fehér
Verification & Certification Manager
You can rely on Landwärme CE to help optimize your biomethane project or assist in certification and verification matters.
- consulting on your biomethane project
- plant optimization in terms of input material
- experience in all current certification systems, we offer support in certification and verification processes for your biomethane project:
Biomethane quantities must be documented and certified in detail. This certification is a prerequisite to stepping into the European biomethane market and provides the basis for fulfilling the sustainability requirements of different laws. We have expertise regarding the German Biogas Registry (dena), the Nabisy database run by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, the certification systems REDcert-EU and the worldwide ISCC as well as the Swiss quality label naturmade star.
The Landwärme group has accompanied more than 100+ biomethane plants at all project development stages – from planning all the way through to biomethane grid feed-in, utilizing both organic waste and energy crops. In addition, we have carried out feasibility studies for more than 60 biogas plants.
We are also pioneers in the European market. The Landwärme group played a vital role in the successful implementation of the first Eastern European biomethane plant in Kaposvár, Hungary. In addition to an existing biogas plant at the Magyar Cukor sugar production site, a biogas upgrading plant was built at the site with the help of Landwärme. This fully exploits the energy potential of the sugar production’s waste material and residues. Landwärme CE purchases the entire quantity of biomethane and trades it westwards.

Kaposvár, Hungary
Year of plant construction (biomethane plant) | 2015 |
Years of service performed (biogas plant) | 2009 – today |
Biomethane output | 700 Nm³/h 5,740,000 Nm³/year (57,5 GWh/year) |
Volume of digester or gasifier [m3] | Digesters: 2 x 12,500 m³, 1 x 14,500 m³ Post-digester: 4,000 m³ |
Type of raw material | Organic waste and residues 85 % from sugar industry 15 % from bioethanol, biodiesel and food industries |
Utilization of (bio)gas | Biogas upgrading to biomethane, injection into the gas grid, conversion into electricity and heat |
Project partner | Magyar Cukor Zrt. |
Our Team

Zoltán Elek
Chief Executive Officer

Krisztina Bokor
Legal Advisor

Alexandra Fehér
Verification & Certification Manager

Barbara Kraicsovits-Lónich